
Side Ancient City

Side is a fascinating historical city that has hosted many civilizations from the Lycian Civilization to Alexander the Great, from the Persians to the Roman Empire.

Termesos Ancient City

Termessos Ancient City is in the southwestern part of Pisidia Region, known as "Milyas", in the valley between the peaks of Solymos Mountain, which is called "Güllük" today.

Aspendos Ancient City

Located on the 2nd kilometer of the road that turns north from the 44th kilometer of the Antalya - Alanya highway, Aspendos is famous for having the best preserved Roman Period theater not only in Anatolia but also in the whole Mediterranean world.

Antalya Kaleici

2 thousand years ago, King of Pergamum II. Attolos orders his soldiers: "Go and find me the paradise of the earth!" Soldiers of Bergama wander for months and years and finally they see Antalya when they start descending from the foothills of the Taurus Mountains.

Perge Ancient City

The main street of Perge city plan consists of two main streets, one extending in the east-west direction and the other in the north-south direction. The theater with a capacity of 15 thousand people has been well preserved.

Myra Ancient City

Myra Ancient City, which is located in today's Demre district center and its vicinity, was established on the plain of the same name. The city was connected to the sea with the canal to the west of the Myros River (Demre Stream).
